Creating a Loop

Here is the loop that i tried to create with cardboards for our arch101 class. Three dimentions were given to us and we were suppose to pick two to decide on the dimentions on the element that we were going to use, the other dimention was going to be the number of elements that our loop had to have. Out of 29,43 and 37 (mm) i picked 29 and 43 to use on the cardboards, so i had 37 elements in my loop. It was one of the works which I was kind of proud of because it took so long to come up with an idea and the progress of transforming the idea to a model was quite a challenge but I enjoyed it. I think the hardest part was to complete the loop because it was a hard to thing to menage when we were also suppose to have some kind of a rule within the construct. Hopefully I will be posting another model photograph in the next days with the same good thoughts because we will be doing another one and I’m excided for that :).

PS: Looking back at it, i realise that my loop had some chain feature which isn’t a good thing because secondary relations  and also having stronger primary relations make the construct better. I could’ve intersected the elements that i used differently and create a loop that has many connecting parts, i didn’t know that 🙂 So , i know how to make it better now but it is a bit late 🙂 Hopefully i will be lucky to use it in the next assignments 🙂

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