Here Comes The Jury!

Last week we had the first jury for our Arch102 course. Working with human scale, human experiences and variations of spaces were what we focused on and you can follow the progress in the previous posts of mine. Here is my final construct :

My main idea was to focus on open spaces and closed spaces and how they relate to each other. I tried to show open spaces at one part and more-closed-spaces at the other part of the construct. While focusing on their relationships I tried to create spaces for 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 hans and differentiated those spaces through the experience of the hans on that space.

We had to use design tools in our construct. Actually we designed a ” Glossary of Design Tools and Methods ” for all the tools that we used in the studio. I used one of them from the Surface Treatment (thickness and texture) category and one from Transparancy Levels.

I used different texture to define the spaces. The only way we could use different texture was to peel off the first layer of the cardboards that we were using. You can see the peeled-off-cardboards where the hans spaces collide. I putted different textures to the places where hans cannot go. So the spaces are defined.

The other tool that I’ve used was the Visual (Layer of Transparancy) tool. To places where I wanted differentiate the visual relationships I used cardboards but with some of their parts cutted-out. So some of the hans visual relations are different than the others.

The jury went normal, the grades aren’t announced yet but I don’t think I failed this one. Hopefully the next things that we’re going to work on will be this fun because I really enjoyed the progress.

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