Break from studio work: Observing Animators

Hey everyone, I will be mentioning about what we’ve done in this week of studio and how our design are going but since it’s the end of a busy week I wanted to take a break and while I was scrolling on youtube I’ve came across this video: How Animators Created the Spider-Verse

And animated movies have always been my favorite and I like to  get to know more about the production part of those movies. The labor that’s put into those works amazes me in a way that I can’t get from watching actors play on the screen. And Spider-Verse was a very original product of the animators design and since it came out it has been my favorite. I’ve grew up with loving the character spider-man, with the movies that get’s made every 3-4 years about the same character, with the same storyline actually made me question how this animation movie would come out when i first heard about it. I didn’t have a lot of expectations from it but since i adore animated movies I went on the opening day to the cinema and.. it was a whole different experience. The animations where unlike any movie I’ve seen and the storyline works in a way that you wouldn’t guess when you first hear about what this movie’s about.

I highly recommend you watching the movie. If you have watched it , and want to learn more about how the animations were made or, you don’t have any intention to watch the movie and still want to know about the extraordinary production’s use of cgi and comic-like screen play then go ahead and watch the video. It explains how the animators focused on different things while designing: the use of light, the lines that’s created to show emotions, the background motives and use of colors on different scenes. I loved the movie, loved the explaination video, just wanted to leave it here, after watching the video i was filled with inspiration and i just wanted to write about it. Okayy have a nice weekend.

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