Design Detailing – Ideation

Devoloping the design for the Street Animals, we gone through a design process considering all the aspects that we need to focus on and the problems that we need to solve with the design that we were going to come up with.

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Research Evaluation and Proposal stages of our design process can be found in the presentation. We mainly worked on the Miro website, it helped all the group members to contribute with the process while also helping us see the bigger picture with the details and everything. Let me tell you about how we got to this stage.

After the interviews that we had with the participants we later went on to design an application that would be beneficial for people that is involved with helping the street animals. Our main question in mind while designing, was the ” How might we support the collaboration of the stakeholders involved in animal volunteering activities?”


We first brainstormed as indivicuals and came up with some ideas, then created an affinity map to help us see the patterns in the  ideas together. We grouped and categorised the ideas based on their similarities.


Then we used the scamper method to evaluate some ideas and focus on some issues, how might we substitude, combine, adapt, modify our design. We selected these 4 categories to better our design ideas and then we dot voted the ideas one by one.



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