4th Year of Architecture

Well, this is a post long overdue but i felt like before sharing the new projects we are working on i wanted to make a post to make up for the time i haven’t been posting. As you know this semester our Arch401 course is continuing as online lectures, same as all the other courses we are taking this semester. We had a great time last semester and learned about the opportunities and challenges “working through an online platform” brings to us. I can say that, at the start of the semester i was hoping the pandemic situation would be better and the classes can be face-to-face but now it doesn’t even feel like the next semester would be either. We had our time to adapt to this system and it doesn’t feel as hard anymore, the days we would come together and work in the same environment feels far away 🙂
I am very excited for this semester since this is the last year of architecture and we would see the upper classes juries when we were in the first grades and it would feel like what they are working on is far away from us. Now we are working on the same things and it feels like we really did make a great progress after all 🙂
I hope this semester will go nicely and healthily for me and everyone. Wish us luck..

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