Section Drawings of the field

In the studio session we were asked to work in sections so that we can develop the ideas of we have and also see in detail. I think it helped all of us very much. Because since it is not easy to work with the xps material in a way that we can see our ideals clearly. Because once you carved a place and cutted a part there is no going back with these materials. And we are working with 40 to 80 dimentians so it really is difficult to deside on what decision you are going to apply to the construct.

Also we take critics in every beginning of the studio session so it always leaves us with different ideas or it helpes us to develop what we have in mind. This critic session have helped me a lot to decide on an idea.

I tried to show the light condition, the safety zones (how dangerous the place is vs.), the human population and the density of the objects in the park. We are not working with the whole of the park and it is where we allalysed the parks for the maps.YeniBelge 2018-04-13_2

Here is the sections that I draw of the idea that I had at the start. I can say that it has changed a lot after the critics and I’m not sure how to continue with this idea but we will see how it will turn out.

Studio Work : Working with xps

For this class we were assigned to use the maps that we created of the fields on the xps. We basically tried to show the datas that we gatered from the fields in the xps form. So here is our field as far as I could’ve shown in the studio session:

We will work to achieve this consept for a while. So it is better to learn what you did wrong and what you need to focus on more. For this construct I can say that I see where there are some problems on achieving the 3 dimentional design. We need to use 3 layer which 2 of them are the form and 1 void. In here I didn’t have a lot of time to focus on shaping the void and showing a lot of data. So I will focus more on that.


The map of experiences

We have worked in the ”field” for a while which was the Seğmenler Park. We analyzed the human experiences in the park and it was a progress of understanding and nothing down then symbolising the datas to create a map. Here is the whole layers of the map come together.



We were introduced to the strafor material in one of our studio sessions. It was one of the funnest classest ever. It was the first time the whole studio were working with this material and we were told to produce some sort of a construct to just experience with the matiral to get to know it. So I tried to use different matirals such as balsa and the sticks.


The pink material is very different than the cardboard that we’ve been using from the beginning of the semester. There are different tecnics that we have to discover to understand how to work with it. For now I can say that there will be some problems beacuse as far as I know one of the tecnics that we are going to use the most is carving the material and it is very hard and takes even more time than cutting the cardboards. It is harder to bring the pieces that I’ve cutted together. The white glue takes forever to dry and peligom is damaging the material so we have to discover different tools to stick the elements.

But it looks like we are going to be working with this element for the rest of the semester so it is better to not complain. I’m sure it will be better once we are familiar with this.

Introduction To : Perspective Drawing

We were introduced to a new drawing technical drawing : Perspective! It looked very fun in the first class but as we started to draw it I realised that it is as difficult as it is fun. We were asked to draw perspective drawing of our models. We used the elevation drawings of our models to draw it. We had some criterias such as: The horizon line should be located to the middle of the construct ( which is the side view drawing). And the top view should be located in a 45 degree way. Here is how it turned out:

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I’m actually happy with how it turned  out because when I first begin the drawing I didn’t have much hope because while drawing it takes time to understand how the elements turn out and their locations. After first couple of elements appear it gets easier to understand which elements will be attached to the other ones. And one of the hardest parts were to decide on which sides of elements will take their referance from, the right or the left vanishing point. It took time to get used to the technic but once I figured it got easier and finished in a couple of hours.

Analysing City Parks

New assignment! Fow this week we were seperated to groups for different city parks. Our task was  ”To observe, analyse and document what takes place in the city parks.” We analysed nearly 30 different conditions of that park. Our group was assigned to analyse Seğmenler Park and It is pretty big. So we have many data in our hands now. Excited to see what will come after this!

Here is some of the pictured we took / some pictures of us working on Seğmenler Park.


Here Comes The Jury!

Last week we had the first jury for our Arch102 course. Working with human scale, human experiences and variations of spaces were what we focused on and you can follow the progress in the previous posts of mine. Here is my final construct :

My main idea was to focus on open spaces and closed spaces and how they relate to each other. I tried to show open spaces at one part and more-closed-spaces at the other part of the construct. While focusing on their relationships I tried to create spaces for 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 hans and differentiated those spaces through the experience of the hans on that space.

We had to use design tools in our construct. Actually we designed a ” Glossary of Design Tools and Methods ” for all the tools that we used in the studio. I used one of them from the Surface Treatment (thickness and texture) category and one from Transparancy Levels.

I used different texture to define the spaces. The only way we could use different texture was to peel off the first layer of the cardboards that we were using. You can see the peeled-off-cardboards where the hans spaces collide. I putted different textures to the places where hans cannot go. So the spaces are defined.

The other tool that I’ve used was the Visual (Layer of Transparancy) tool. To places where I wanted differentiate the visual relationships I used cardboards but with some of their parts cutted-out. So some of the hans visual relations are different than the others.

The jury went normal, the grades aren’t announced yet but I don’t think I failed this one. Hopefully the next things that we’re going to work on will be this fun because I really enjoyed the progress.

On The Road To Jury : 2

Here is the second revision. I decided to focus more on variying the spaces while roking on this construct. I didn’t had a lot of variations on the previous one but in here I tried to design spaces for singular hans and plural hans. I want to use folded-corner-rectangle that we used in our group construct but it’s not easy to achieve it’s full potantial and harder to relate it with other elements so We’ll see how this will go 🙂