GAPS: Final Jury

As you know we had our final jury of this semester this week. It was very exciting to finish the design progress then finish the models than finish the jury. We had a collocium at the end of the jury and it is very hard to believe that we’re done with this semester.

This semester , we’ve worked on GAPS project here are some links if you wan to know more about the progress x  x

Here is photographs of the sliced model:

Here is the conseptual model:


And the poster:


This jury went quite smoothly i would say. I was satisfied with the design but not satisfied with the model at all. The jury also liked the minimalistic design and found it ”working in a nice extend” . The enterance was not liked by the jury because it opens up to an exhibition. The door was kind of limiting the potantial of the exhibition, i was advised that it could’ve been an open area or a connection towards outside could’ve been made. It was one of the things in my mind also.

Another thing that the jury mentioned was how between some spaces the area was not very useful so it wasn’t needed to be that big. ”The economical use of the spaces” the topic was around how the connection between the spaces that i didn’t wanted to have connections had a gap inbetween but it was too apart and that space just could’ve been used for something else other than just to seperate them. That was how i had seen the solution to distance the private and near-public spaces but i see and understand with what they’ve ment with that. Sometimes you can’t have your way out of a critique with ”oh, that was my design” . It was, it was poor design.

Overall the jury liked my poster, the design. And the sections (i believe, because they looked at them for the long time of the jury and just nodded which means they were understandable, and ”ok” i guess) I was the last one in the jury queue so it was very stressful to wait and i’ve never experienced that before so that was.. something.

Anyway, here is some pictures of me struggling and Gökhan Hoca smiling down at my model 🙂






On The Road to Final Jury

This week was our last week for preparing for the final jury. As you know we produced our posters last week and prepared our model for this week. It has been caos for the past month and it is hard to believe that it is coming to an end. But we still have the final jury for next week. Here are the photographs of the model that was barely finished right before submission time.


My craftmanship got worse as the deadline came closer so sorry for the parts that were added last. I’m actually not satisfied with this model at all but i really should’ve started on the model earlier and work faster. The topography took me nearly 3 whole days to finish so to produce the model i had to speed myself up and it turns out i’m really bad under very limited time. I had the idea of using acetate for the window parts and cover the empty sides of topography but it was barely done till submission time as it is. Time management is an issue that I have to focus on for the next semester. I really hope that the jury doesn’t go so bad. Wish me luck.

Gaps: On The Road to Final Jury

Hey! This past week has been very busy and very exhausting but I’m here to tell you about how things are going. Last week we took the last critiques about our design and we produced the posters which we are going to use while presenting to the jury. The final jury is very near now and it is very exiting. We only have to produce the final models of our design now which is due this week. I hope it all goes well. Anyway, here is the poster that I’ve produced: (It’s missing some diagrams that I had the idea of doing but didn’t have the time to produce,sorry)


Here are the drawings if you want to look at the details. I’m very imperessed with how little time it took to edit the sections because i was very worried about not being able to finish editing them before deadline. And this is the most i’ve done in photoshop so far so it feels like i kind of got the idea of how to work in there. Anyway, take a look:


Models : Mass model + Section model

For the second prejury we were assigned to produce two model. One is a mass model which should show the model’s relation with the topography and it’s positioning. The abstartc version of our structure. The oher one is a section model which is actually 3 models that shows 3 succesive sections of the structure. So when they come near each other they produce the whole structure but that way you can see inside clearly.

Here is the mass model for my structure:

It was the easier model to produce but I wasn’t very happy with how it turned out. It’s also the first time that I used white photoblock and it was harder than I thought. First year we had worked with black photoblock and i was enjoying it very much but when it’s white you really cannot hide any mistakes so the craftmanship should be brilliant for it to look great. Well, i dont know if you can tell but mine isn’t. So my first thought was that I should be more careful while producing the model for the final jury.

Here is how the 3 section models come together for the whole structure:


I didn’t produce the whole topography for them because it takes too much time and cardboard unnecessarily. But here you can see how it looks when they come together and their relation with the topography.

Have a closer look at the section models:




Producing Plan Drawings

Hey! Since we started our design progress with section drawings, before this week we didn’t consider the plans of the buildings at all but this week we started to produce plan drawings as well. We were working with succesive section drawings so we had an idea how the contunietion of the drawings would be but producing the plan drawings actually made me realise a lot of different things that i should consider. Here are how the plans turned our for the section drawings that I’ve produced earlier.

Here are first second and third floor plans in order. For the second prejury we are expected to produce models so wait for them 🙂

Exploring Buildings

Hey This week we have another pre-jury and we’ve upgraded our drawings and models. I will be sharing the last states of them this week but i wanted to share some of the structures that took my attention while studying on this project.

As you know we are working on a habitation. It’s the instrudaction to architectural design for us. I have tried to look at a lot of examples to try and understand some consepts and how to use them. Here are some of the plans, sections and photograps that helped me during the progress.

TA HT House


Triangle House

Capital Bank of Jordan

GAPS : Prejury

Hey, this week we had a prejury for the final project that we started working on. The project is about designing a habitation place for people to live in, working, sleeping and such, whatever you can imagine a human can do we can include it in our constructs.

We had started with drawing sections for our design. It was a hard start but as we produced more section drawings it became more and more easy to think in a section plan. While i was talking with other architecture students they told me why dont you draaw the plan first than you can take the section, but it’s not what’s assigned to you. As i worked in sections I understood why we were working in sections. This way we can create more relations withing living spaces.

So here are the some of the sections that I’ve decided to use in my last design strategy (I’ve worked in autocad and here is how it looked in autocad) :


Here is the actual drawings:


My design strategy was to keep more private parts on the upper parts of the construct and have the enterance open to common spaces. So when people first enter the construct they are in regenerative bundles space which i defined as where people can sociolise, chat, watch tv, play video games and spend time together. This spaces are where people that lives in the house come together. I thought that also this space would be very loud and crowded. Generally service kits are connected to the regenrative bundles.

Than more private parts are attached like the mini factories. It is, as i defined, a work place for the two artists that  lives in this building. There are 2 main mini factories for the artists to produce paintings. (one of them is connected to a small art gallery but i’ll come to that in a second) . As we get more far away from the regenerative bundles the noice that comes from there decreases. That’s also why i’ve placed the power sitations there. These places are for people to sleep in mainly; they can also do quite stuff like reading books listening music with headphones and relax.

The leisure zones are generally connected to the power stations (also the mini factories). Those places are for indivicual people. So everyone in the house gets different leisure zones. The spaces aren’t closed so they have openings to the outside which people can sit and enjoy the air/ outside. They are small and it is for people to relax, meditate, enjoy being alone. Those places are also located on the upper parts of the bulding and away from the road because of the noice and privacy factors.

I’ve mentioned an art gallery: It is a place that is open for public that goes underground and can be visited without distrubuting the household. Inside there’s an exhibition to display the paintings that were drawn by the local artists of the house. It also contains a service kit and a space (regenerative bundle) for people to chitchat.

Overall the jury came and while I was explaining the drawings and the strategy the teachers made some suggestions. They told me that the sections were too complex to be understood so they said they couldn’t really comment. They also mentioned which parts i could focus more on. And not all of the sections were successive so it was hard to understand them . I’ll be reproducing the drawings and i hope i can be more successful this time.

We were also assigned to produce a 1/50 model that contained 2 of the section drawings. Here it is:


From Plan To Section

Last week we were assigned a sketch problem. We were given a plan of a house and asked to design a construct with that plan but we were told to use the plan as if it was a section of the plan. We had to see it as if the building was cut vertucally instead of horizontally. And it doesn’t sound easy, i know, but doing it wasn’t easy either.









On top you can see the section that we’ve worked with. Once the plan is seen vertically it was up to us which side we were going to put it on the ground. Also the rooms’ purposes changed/ didn’t matter in the end construct. Since the time was very limited I couldn’t reach the end result that I was hoping for. In my head I formed what could be next and how the wall can extend from the section plate .


Fun Palace – Cedric Price

This week we had a presentation on a project called Fun Palace that was designed by Cedric Price (unbuilt). It was to inspire and give information to us about the current project that we’re working on right now. I really enjoyed learning about the project and here are some of the notes that I’ve taken while listening the presentation.

cedric price ile ilgili görsel sonucu


First of all this is a project that was designed by Cedric Price so let’s get to know him: He is a British architect who was born in 1934 and died in 2003. He is the builder of Aviary at Regents Park Zoo and besides this he has many unfinished projects that he designed. He is called ‘one of the most visionary architects of the late 20th century’ He is very famous by the method of his design: He designes in terms of time; instead of measuring with meters he considered how much time people will spent there.



He started designing the Fun Palace with collaboration to Joan Littlewood started in 1962. They wanted to design a place to keep people busy-entertaint when industrialisation created a lot of leisure time for people. It was designed so that the place can adapt to changing of the cultural envirenment. so we can say that it wasn’t an ordinary structure it was a machine that adapts to cultural and social factors. it was designing a dynamic innovative program.

fun palace drawings

It was ment to give pleasure to people and a lot of boundaries were blurred in the building. There was no permanent set of relations. His design was creating ”gaps of uncertainity” by combining different/contrast qualities of the spaces such as:

  • work – leisure
  • education – fun
  • success – failure
  • boredom – overwork
  • loneliness – lack of privacy
  • wich – poor
  • summer – winter

He also considered the space’s as kit programs. The things that would happen in the place and designed accordingly. For example; inital program proposes: eating, drinking, dancing, resting, photography, drama& operatics and cybernatics-processed program proposals: star gazing, instant cinema, recording sessions, gossip revues, observation decks and food laboratories..

To me it is a very interesting project. While listening I was looking forward to see the finished structure but to be informed that it was infact unfinished project that never get to built really disappointed me. To see how these ideas would come to life would be great and it is a need of the world in my opinion. I think it really helped me to realise how to achieve ”gaps of uncertainity”

Here is a sketch of the interior of Fun Palace:

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Here is also a diagramatic drawing of the place:

Fun Palace - Cedric Price



Stairs in Kerpe!

As you know we had a site execution and we gathered imformations of this site and made a topographic model of the place. Than we were assigned to work indivicually and we produced the topography to 1/20 scale. We already had some ideas about where to work with/ where to focus and we applied our design ideas and placed stairs on places that we decided. Here is my final model for this project:


