Final Jury: Design for UX

Hi! This week we had the final jury for our industrial design course. This semester we had so much fun while designin and thinking and creating i am kind of sad we have come to an end but i am very happy with how all of our work turned out 🙂

If you haven’t got a chance to check here is our presentation for the jury:

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And here is our userflow which you can also view from here.

Let me tell you about our design to start with, we designed an application that would help the street animals in the covid-19 times, since people cannot go out as much they can’t continue their voluntary activities. So our app’s aim was to bring together the stakeholders that do voluntary work with the stakeholders who need help while supporting street animals.

since we can’t continue our classes face-to-face we did the jury online. Here is a nice memory to remember 🙂


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Ready for Jury : S.O.S Storyboards

Hi! For our Final jury we revised our storyboards.


The first one shows how to request for help. When the volunteer sees animals in need, she can ask for help by posting a request. Other users get a notification about the request. If they accept the request, they can go there to help animals.


Another storyboard shows a scenario in quarantine time. Because of Covid-19, many people are at home and street animals are alone. People that live close to each other communicate via the S.O.S. group chats. They distribute tasks to help street animals.



The next two storyboards show how to be involved in the food donation. Okumaya devam et “Ready for Jury : S.O.S Storyboards”

Ready for Jury : S.O.S The Userflow

Hi after the last critics we further developed our userflow according to the participant’s recommendations and teacher’s critics. This process was a very exciting process and while we were working in a group of 4, we were also doing this while each of us were in our homes through a computer screen. So you can imagine how hard it was to move forward and not give up, but the excitement that we felt towards this project was what kept us together and ambitious and i am so happy that we made it. Now the userflow below is the finished version of what we worked since the beginning of this semester, for this class. I hope you like it as much as we do 🙂

Don’t forget to check the interactive version on xd, it is so much more fun 🙂

(click to see in detail)

Closer to Final Jury: Process of S.O.S

Hi! As you know we are working on devoloping a design of an application for the Street Animals, or as we call it S.O.S (Search of Someone). We are very close to the final jury and we improved some of the previous designs of ours. So I wanted to share some of them:


Here you can our main starting point. In the beginning of this semester, we started with working on the “Sharing Experiences” and the ways how we share things with others. Then, when the Covid-19 affected our country, the concept of sharing was affected by this condition. Here you can see the main starting points we considered while deciding to work on this topic.Slide5

Here is our process. As you may remember we decided to use interview method to get information from users. We created a user research protocol and the interview questions. We searched for participants that were still helping the street animals in times of covid-19.

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User Feedbacks

We got in touch with the participants that we interviewed for the first stage of our design, this time to get a user feedback from them. We wanted them to see how we handled some problems and which solutions that we came up with and we asked for their opinions/comments as well as their further suggestions about the design.

We showed them the system map that we came up with which showed the aspects that we focused on, also the solutions, the storyboards and the wireflow. We first presented each of them then they came up with some different opinions that we missed or didnt focus a lot on. Here are all of them:

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We decided to consider some of them and decided to involve them in the design:

  • Adoption function(long term/temporary)
  • Guidance for the app Lost/found animals page
  • A FACTS page
  • Create local group
  • Years of volunteering, the time they use the app in their profile
  • Recommending to their friend

Design Detailing : Creating a Wireflow

After creating a system map and storyboards we focused on the wireflow that we created before. First it looked like this, only showing the steps of how a user would move through the app:

flow ekr

Here is the link for the pdf since in jpeg it’s quality is too low: street animal app-userflow with wireframe link

You can also see the interactive wireframe that we worked on which shows the actual pages that open up when you click on the different icons/pages of the app.

And than we continued with further detailing the app, adding colors and pictures for each page to be understood more clearly. We will present all of these design process (with the storyboards and the system maps) to people that we interviewed for the first stage, to get their feed back.  Here is how it looks right now (sorry some of the pages are the turkish version since we presented in turkish but i will add the english versions later):

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Design Detailing

After the Ideation stage of our design process we moved forward with the selected ideas. We created a system map to decide on the further needs and solutions for the design. We came up with 5 different user types that we wanted to have

in our app. If the app differentiated these user gruops we thought that it would be easier for each user type to find which type of user they are looking for for need, or to help. We also decided on what each type of users would be  able to do what exatly, and also how would the requests work we sorted that out first.

circle eng2

Then we considered the different important qualities that the app should have.

circle eng1

Then we created storyboards, different situations that the user would use the app:

Storyboard özge

Design Detailing – Ideation

Devoloping the design for the Street Animals, we gone through a design process considering all the aspects that we need to focus on and the problems that we need to solve with the design that we were going to come up with.

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Research Evaluation and Proposal stages of our design process can be found in the presentation. We mainly worked on the Miro website, it helped all the group members to contribute with the process while also helping us see the bigger picture with the details and everything. Let me tell you about how we got to this stage. Okumaya devam et “Design Detailing – Ideation”

Design For User Experience – Street Animals

Hey! For our next step in the design for user experience class we decided to contineu with one group type that is effected by the situation of COVID-19. We’re working with Street animals and we are considering how we can help them!

First we had to talk with the people that is involved with helping the street animals. Here is the poster that we created to find participants from the social media:


In the first part we planned to share the research protocol with the participants and ask them the first interview questions. If the participants wanted to continue to the project we ask them to send us photograph/ videos they took during quarantine. After self-documenting we had another interview with them asking about their experiences in detail. We had 9 participants through this process.


Here you can see all the participants that we interviewed. They were from different cities of turkey and one from a different country, different age groups, different jobs but their aim was the same and they all gave us imformation that were very voluable in all aspects:


We asked them about the problems they were facing while they were going out to feed the street animals. Some said they couldn’t even go out on the lockdown days and were contacting the people that they knew had a document that made them available to go on the streets. Some said the people reactions have changed, people started forgetting even putting out a cup of water.. Okumaya devam et “Design For User Experience – Street Animals”