Crytal | Text As An Object

As the continuation of our lexicon we created according to our assigned text, The Crystal: Architecture Calibrating Climate Change, we chose 3 phases from our lexicon and define these three phrases as an object with the relations of their meanings. We chose Calibrating the Scale of Climate Change, Communicative Infrastructure, and Simulated Experience.

The Global Landscape of Green Architecture

Hi! as you know we were reading the book Greening of Architecture and we were working on the chapter The Global Landscape of Green Architecture written by A. Senem Deviren. We divided the 7th and 8th chapter between 3 groups and here is our collective work, summerising and commentary of these parts:

Then we made a diagram showing each case’s era it was built and its building style. We see that each method was used in time differentiatingly and it wasnt as if one era ended and the other started.

Case Studies of Green Architecture

We divided the chapters of the book Greening Of Architecture and our group was assigned the chapter The Global Landscape of Green Architecture which is the 7th chapter. We made a presentation focusing on the case studies and techniques and their differentiation, how each era the greening of architecture approach changed..

Since the greening of architecture does not have an international definition, the concerns and goals of the cases that are designed with this purpose may be different. These challenges are analyzed under the following groups:
Urban-Rural, High-Tech-Low- Tech, New-Existing, Extreme-Mainstream, X-Small-X-Large

Here is all the cases we research as a group, consisting of the categories Urban-Rural, High-Tech-Low- Tech:

Lexicon – First Step

After preparing a presentation for our reading The Crystal, we created a lexicon that consists of keywords and important topics in the reading. We devided them considering their context and collected them under the topics of System, Structure, Urban and Force and later created a mind map showing their relations.

Youth Activism

There are a lot of problems in the world that people can change by putting a light on that and provide awareness by talking about it and spreading the source of the problem and demanding change. It is so important for young people to take part in activism and become a part of the social change since the youth is the generation that will be affected by the future. And shaping the world around us so as to create a better future for us is in our hands.

In his TED talk Sam Stevens divides the ways that the youth can be involved with activism into 3 major categories: The consumers, the activists and the educators.

Every person is a consumer since we use products made by companies, and pay money to consume the stuff. But before deciding which company we will support we should be aware of what they stand for and what their practices are. If we find out that one of the company’s principles are wrong for us then we should stop consuming it while making it known that the reason we’re not buying from them anymore is because of their practices. If we believe that they are wrong for supporting those practices we should also try to reach people that use the company’s products and spread awareness. The youth is advantaged in this way since a lot of young people use social media and it’s easier to spread info about these kinds of topics. Once there is a huge number of protests towards that company, the company would change its practices in order to avoid the loss of income.

The adults don’t expect young people to be involved in world problems and become activists. But the impact of young people using their platform for activism would create a wider impact than adults since young people do it for the sole purpose of creating change for the better while the adults might be seen as only spreading awareness in a way that would provide them better views on their job or since they have connections so it won’t be clear why they are supporting the idea. But if a high schooler is bringing light to an important topic and asking to spread awareness then it would give the message more clear and it won’t be taken to any other way. For an example to this we can give Greta Thunberg, she was just a 16 year old girl when she started her protests to spread awareness to climate change. Everyone knew that she wasn’t doing it to sell a product or be partisan to anything and her point was very clear and it affected a lot of people to view this topic in a different light since a 16 year old was trying her everything and was so passionate about it that it made people feel like they should also take action about it.

Greta Thunberg and youth climate activists protest outside White House |  Greta Thunberg | The Guardian

And lastly the educators group, in his talk Stevens mentions that peer-to-peer conversations are so important since young people are more likely to listen and take other young people’s thoughts more seriously and relate to it more since they are peers. The way that we listen to our friends’ interests and what they care for is different than how we see our parents/elders ones because the elder ones have been telling us how to think our whole life and young people would have a harder time to relate to what they are mentioning compared to their peer’s considerations.

Tuscaloosa teen inspires local youth activism -

To sum up, it is important that young people are involved in activism actions and participate in making the world a better place. Take action towards what you believe in and be the change you want to see in the world.
Related TEDx video: Sam Stevens – Moving Youth Towards Action and Activism

Civic Involvement

Hi! This semester i’m taking CIT301, Civic Involvement course as a selective course for my secondary field, global citizenship. As some of you might have taken this course, or maybe you already know what this course is about, but for the ones that are curious: civic means pertaining to a city or citizenship and involvement is basically being a part of something.
Civic engagement refers to the vast range of activities of people, at different levels, working to make a difference in the public life of communities.

In this course, we will learn about the roles citizens can play to strengthen communities and work for the public good, the various roles we can take to engage with communities, the knowledge, skills, and values they need to be effective.

Basically, how we can contribute to social change 🙂 i’m very excited about this course, i hope it will be very fun and beneficial.

4th Year of Architecture

Well, this is a post long overdue but i felt like before sharing the new projects we are working on i wanted to make a post to make up for the time i haven’t been posting. As you know this semester our Arch401 course is continuing as online lectures, same as all the other courses we are taking this semester. We had a great time last semester and learned about the opportunities and challenges “working through an online platform” brings to us. I can say that, at the start of the semester i was hoping the pandemic situation would be better and the classes can be face-to-face but now it doesn’t even feel like the next semester would be either. We had our time to adapt to this system and it doesn’t feel as hard anymore, the days we would come together and work in the same environment feels far away 🙂
I am very excited for this semester since this is the last year of architecture and we would see the upper classes juries when we were in the first grades and it would feel like what they are working on is far away from us. Now we are working on the same things and it feels like we really did make a great progress after all 🙂
I hope this semester will go nicely and healthily for me and everyone. Wish us luck..

Final Jury : Living Together

Hi! We had the final jury this week, it was very exciting! As you know we came to an end of this semester and we had our classes and critique sessions online. Having the last jury online was very exciting and we got ready in our homes and get in front of our computers and it was very interesting, sure i will never forget this experience.

Here is our presentation that we worked on from the beginning of the semester. I hope you like the last versions of te materials that we revised a couple times before it got to this version 🙂

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Here is our plan and section drawings:

Here is some of the close-ups of our model.


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Last Critique Before Final Jury

Hey, this week our online classes ended and we had a lot of time to work on our studio project. This week is also the last critique that we will have before we will submit our project for the final jury so i am excited 🙂 Also this critique will be written so since we are very close to the final jury the crtitiques we had was considering the main things and our placement of the topics we go through while presenting.

Here is our final version of the model. We added the facade materials, the window shades that we thought would be benefitial since we decided to do the facade a full-window. And we also added solar enery panels at the roofs.

whole sketchup model done

And here is the last version of the mass model, explaining our design process and how it came to this stage.

mass model

Other than that you can find out our section and plan drawings below. We also added a top view and developed the site plan.

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