After the Jury

Hey, after the jury we focused on which materials we could use for our design. We searched for materials that we could use on the facade and also on the red band.

We also looked if we could use the yellow parts on the facade but the critiqes were not very in favor of that so we decided to not go with that idea. Here is the other materials we thought we could use on the redband and the yellow parts.

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And lastly we were thinking of how people can move in the site and we decided to create a pathway that would lead the visitors to where they were going, without touching too much of the green areas.

Prejury 3

Hi! We had the 3rd prejury and it went really great. From the last critique before the jury we were recomended to use our yellow parts inside the housing blocks and we really loved that idea and decided to use them in the galery spaces. You can see in our section drawings that we put them in order to increase the social interactions through the building.

We didnt have a lot of time to revise some of the diagrams but our approach and how we design our activity areas didnt change we only added shops to the mexica street after the 2nd prejury so i hope you can still get the idea from them.

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Here is some of the close-ups that we took from our model.

Additions To Design

Hi we are very close to the 3rd prejury and we added some things to our design. We were very unclear about the block’s interior and after the first prejury we decided to move the circulation from the middle of the blocks to the north facing facade of the blocks. But that left us with a compeletely open area which we couldnt place any housing units and also circulation couldnt be that big because it was already taking half of the north facade. So here is some of our studies about this topic:

depolar 05

First we thought that we could use that area as a service area that people could use as a storage. Than we tried placing the wet spaces in the middle but that also didnt work and also didnt fit with our structural systems. Than later we decided to move the wet spaces inside, facing the open area and creae a gallery space in the middle. And here is our last solution:

5 08.05 depolar çözülü

And later we decided to add what we call the “yellow parts” to our design. They go together with our red band and they are adaptable spaces that would be located in the activity areas.

After the PJ

After the prejury, we decided to focus on our activity platforms and further design them. We were told later that this much detailing was not necassery so it was just a bonus for us.

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We also further developed our design and added another ramp that way we are more related with the Mexica street as the jury mentioned that would be more beneficial for us. Our red platform’s relation with the housing units of the young parts seems rather nice while it seems like we will keep working on the elderly part to try and perfect that part as well. We thought that the contineuation of the shops through the mexica street would be providing a lot of apportunities so decided to go wit it and later we added the parking at the end of the ramp. Now our desing seems like two loops overlapping with each other from above. The 8 design is better than what we had before and i feel like we could really work with 2 courtyards.


Prejury 2

Hi we had the second prejury online 🙂 We started with studying a lot of cases to solve the problems that we faced while designing. We looked for other materials that would help us provide sustainability and also provide our housing units to have a flexible layout. Here is our case studies for our design:

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And here is the rest of our presentation. As you know previosly we came up with 2 proposals and we decided to contineu with taking the best qualities of both of them. Here is our mass process:


Since we wanted to have the activity areas integrated with the housing units we wanted to keep it as a strip and we thought it would be better if it interracted differently with the elderly and young people parts.

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Before the 2nd PJ

Hi, we started to contineu our classes online, so sharing ideas are happening through zoom from now on. We were very excited to contineu our design process after the first prejury and now we are trying to adapt to this new system and i hope we will be alright!

For this week’s critique session we came up with 2 proposals since we couldn’t decide on only one of them. We first decide on which activities should be located where and the buildings general orientation considering the sun conditions and vistas.

Here is our 2 proposal considering the ideas that we focused on previously:

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Concept : Living Together

Hi! For this semester we will be working on a concept that focuses on the living togetherness of young and elderly people. AS you know we are working on a housing project and we will be detailing our designs with this consept in mind.

For a start we searched for ways we can bring together the young and elderly people. We searched for activities around the world and thought about how we can fit those ideas in a housing project.

As a case study we went looked through the programs the nursing homes prepared to get the young and elderly together. Then we searched for other activities that would involve both people types and while we were searcing we also looked through the Village Institutes (Köy Enstitüleri) and noticed that the activites were very fit to what we were looking for and we thought that some activities can be thought by the elderly to the young people, while some activities are organised by young people to entertain the elderly and such.

living together


Final Jury: Design for UX

Hi! This week we had the final jury for our industrial design course. This semester we had so much fun while designin and thinking and creating i am kind of sad we have come to an end but i am very happy with how all of our work turned out 🙂

If you haven’t got a chance to check here is our presentation for the jury:

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And here is our userflow which you can also view from here.

Let me tell you about our design to start with, we designed an application that would help the street animals in the covid-19 times, since people cannot go out as much they can’t continue their voluntary activities. So our app’s aim was to bring together the stakeholders that do voluntary work with the stakeholders who need help while supporting street animals.

since we can’t continue our classes face-to-face we did the jury online. Here is a nice memory to remember 🙂


Okumaya devam et “Final Jury: Design for UX”

Ready for Jury : S.O.S Storyboards

Hi! For our Final jury we revised our storyboards.


The first one shows how to request for help. When the volunteer sees animals in need, she can ask for help by posting a request. Other users get a notification about the request. If they accept the request, they can go there to help animals.


Another storyboard shows a scenario in quarantine time. Because of Covid-19, many people are at home and street animals are alone. People that live close to each other communicate via the S.O.S. group chats. They distribute tasks to help street animals.



The next two storyboards show how to be involved in the food donation. Okumaya devam et “Ready for Jury : S.O.S Storyboards”

Ready for Jury : S.O.S The Userflow

Hi after the last critics we further developed our userflow according to the participant’s recommendations and teacher’s critics. This process was a very exciting process and while we were working in a group of 4, we were also doing this while each of us were in our homes through a computer screen. So you can imagine how hard it was to move forward and not give up, but the excitement that we felt towards this project was what kept us together and ambitious and i am so happy that we made it. Now the userflow below is the finished version of what we worked since the beginning of this semester, for this class. I hope you like it as much as we do 🙂

Don’t forget to check the interactive version on xd, it is so much more fun 🙂

(click to see in detail)