Throwback : Arch101 First Jury

Here is the First Jury that we had back in October 31st. Firstly I never posted this because we made a huge mistake and I didn’t want to have a mistake on my blog but that shouldn’t be my behavior. I learned from the mistake that we did and I’ll share it with y’all now.

We worked in pair of groups and I was very happy with the group members and we had a close friendship during the making of this project. What we overlooked was that We worked with the last idea that came to our minds because It was very difficult to find an idea that everyone supported and wasn’t flawed. And we couldn’t see how much of a mistake our idea was until We were in front of the Jury members. That last idea burned us and while We were agreeing to go with that plan We couldn’t see what the outcome would be.

Now let’s talk about our strategy. We were working with the keywords RELATIONSHIP VARIATIONS DEFINITIONS and OPERATIONS and we were asked to produce 4 variations within a 3D construct. Every group member bringed the element that they used in the previous assignment. My element was square and our group also had octagon, rectangle and parallelogram.

To explain our strategy; we decided on 4 units that would be variations of each other. In  our plan;2 constant rectangles, 2 squares, 2 parallelograms and 1 octagon created one unit. Only squares and parallelograms changed within our units because we thought that keeping some elements relations and changing some elements relations would make variations. So they changed in every unit while rectangles stayed the same and constant. And we placed the octagons in the middle of the construct to use the element’s potential. Yet their only role was to connect the units and they didn’t had much relations with other elements. Now I see what we went wrong. We created rules like octagon can only connect with other octagon and a square only. But rules like those doesn’t define the relations and it was what’s missing in our strategy.

I think we learned a lot during the jury . Wish we would thought harder about our decisions but this experience thought us how to question our every action. I’m sure I’ll never forget this experience .