Towards a New Architecture

towards a new archWe were assigned with summarising this book’s Towards a New Architecture 1st chapters this week. Its one of the first books that i read about architecture and i enjoyed reading it very much.
Le Corbusier’s exposition is interesting sometimes sarcastic while talking about the mispoints on this day’s architecture and sometimes very straightforward.
He uses a simple language on some parts so its easier to understand what he’s saying. It is not a scholar book so it can be read by anyone. But since its our firat time getting familiar with this topic and this language it was kind of a must that i looked at the dictionary very often.
While hes pointing out the mistakes of the day’s architecture he s not very polite. But i believe some things that he points out is still valid for today’s architecture. You can feel that he’s raising his voice in some parts like he’s trying to get the reader to do something about the problems immediately.
From what i understood he’s saying that there’s a problem on the methods that architectures use. Engineers are using methods to build up the connection to solve the problems while architects try to do the same things others before them have done. Just copying the old architectural buildings.
He also says that it’s not the client’s fault if architecture is in a bad situation. Because architects should point out the mistakes to them.