Introduction To : Perspective Drawing

We were introduced to a new drawing technical drawing : Perspective! It looked very fun in the first class but as we started to draw it I realised that it is as difficult as it is fun. We were asked to draw perspective drawing of our models. We used the elevation drawings of our models to draw it. We had some criterias such as: The horizon line should be located to the middle of the construct ( which is the side view drawing). And the top view should be located in a 45 degree way. Here is how it turned out:

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I’m actually happy with how it turned  out because when I first begin the drawing I didn’t have much hope because while drawing it takes time to understand how the elements turn out and their locations. After first couple of elements appear it gets easier to understand which elements will be attached to the other ones. And one of the hardest parts were to decide on which sides of elements will take their referance from, the right or the left vanishing point. It took time to get used to the technic but once I figured it got easier and finished in a couple of hours.